Through the holistic and child-friendly teaching of faith, we want to build on the everyday life of the children and convey to them that God is always there for them.
In this way, the children can experience faith and live faith in an atmosphere of security, community and security.
Our work should reflect the perceptible, the tangible and the tangible characteristics of faith.
- the daily interaction with each other
- the teaching of Christian values
- the symbol of the cross
- the common prayer
- the celebration of religious services
- the holistic processing of biblical stories
- Getting to know traditions and songs
- respect for creation and life
The content of our religious work depends on the church year. Once a month there is a "Hello God" round with pastoral consultant Evelyn Dirks, in which we learn new things about God and Jesus in the community.
"Children should play more than many do these days.
Because if you play enough while you're little,
then you carry around treasures that you can later
can create for a lifetime."
[Astrid Lindgren]
When a child is admitted to our kindergarten, we enter into an educational partnership with the parents.
Our greatest goal is that children and parents feel comfortable and in good hands with us.
The pedagogical staff sees themselves as companions and partners for the children, observing and supporting but not judging.
Our educational goals are:
- The children should feel comfortable and secure in the community
- Die Kinder sollen mitbestimmen und mit ihren Ideen den Alltag füllen (Partizipation)
- Die Selbstständigkeit/Eigenaktivität der Kinder soll gefördert werden
- Wir möchten den Kinder, egal welcher Herkunft, christliche Werte vermitteln
- Wir wollen den Kindern Raumstrukturen bieten, in denen Platz zum Erforschen/Experimentieren sowie auch Freiräume zu finden sind
- Im Portfolioordner (Schatzbuch) soll jedes Kind seine Entwicklungsschritte einsehen und sein eigenes Buch persönlich gestalten
- In allen Bildungsbereichen sollen die Kinder angeregt und gefördert werden
- Stärken der Kinder erkennen und ausbauen
- Alle Kinder sollen Spaß im Kindergarten haben und noch Kind sein dürfen
Many parents want the best possible day care. It supports early education and makes it easier to combine family and career. The prerequisite for this is a need-based and high-quality range of childcare places for children under and over three years of age. (KiTa.NRW)
For the youngest in the facility, building personal relationships is the most important basis. This is the only way we specialists can correctly identify the needs of the little personalities.
The individual wishes for sleep, play, food, diaper changing, but also for closeness and independence determine the daily routine of the individual child and the group.
In free play, we offer the children many opportunities to experiment with a wide variety of materials. We observe the children and give them plenty of time and space to try out their motor skills and explore their world.
Inclusion takes place with each other and enables the children to learn together and participate in society.
A total of four children with identified special needs (§ 53 SGBXII integration assistance for people with disabilities) can be accompanied and supported by an additional specialist at the same time.
The focus is on the holistic, playful, as well as the nursing support and support of the children. It depends on your individual strengths, resources and needs.
With us, the children can help themselves to a rich breakfast buffet every day.
Fresh sausage, cheese and fruit spreads, different types of bread, seasonal fruit and raw vegetables, yoghurt, muesli, milk and water are available every day. We work together with the unpackaged store "Hülle & Fulness" from Burgsteinfurt.
For breakfast, a monthly flat rate of €11 is paid by the parents (catering portal).
In our facility, the children in the block, flex and all-day model get lunch for a fee, which we get from Apetito.
The meal includes a warm main meal, raw vegetables and now and then a dessert.
Parents order and cancel lunch independently by 8:30 a.m. every day via the so-called catering portal in KitaPlus.
Lunch costs €3 per serving.
In the afternoon there is a "crunchy round" where the children are offered fruit, vegetables and crackers etc.
A retired cook visits us at the day care center at regular intervals to conjure up lots of goodies for breakfast or lunch with the children.
We welcome people of all cultures, religions and lifestyles.
It is precisely this diversity that represents a great enrichment for us.
In the St. Martin kindergarten, the children should experience and feel this diversity.
Through stories, projects, impulses and joint celebrations, the children get to know and understand the different cultures.
This is how all children and adults experience that they can feel accepted and in good hands with us.
Because a living community is particularly important to us.
Our everyday pedagogical life is characterized by language education.
Through active, playful interaction with other children and adults, as well as materials (language games, rhymes, songs, etc.), language acquisition is stimulated and expanded.
For us it is important to communicate with the children at "eye level". We squat down to the children so that they can also see our facial expressions and gestures.
Catholic childcare center St. Martin
Sandweg 82
48565 Steinfurt
Phone: 02552 2141